donderdag 3 april 2014

International Cargo Bike festival: European Cyclelogistics Federation Conference

On Saturday the 12th of April, the European Cyclelogistics Federation will hold its annual Conference, organised by Jos Sluijsmans from and Gary Armstrong of Outspoken Delivery from Cambridge, UK. The conference is meant for the members of the Cyclelogistics Federation, but is also open (& free) to other interested people.

Key note speakers from all over the world – i.e. Denmark, Spain, UK, Australia – will talk about cargo bikes and cargo bike related topics. For example:
Bicycle Urbanism by Design – Modernising our cities for bicycle traffic.
Presentation on cargo bike innovations and how cargo bikes are increasingly being used.
How architects can help increase cargo bike use.
The advantages of cycling superhighways for delivery in the Arnhem & Nijmegan City region

The entire programme can be viewed here.

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